Cybersecurity in Automotive - State of Art

 Cybersecurity - State of Art Survey ISO 21434

Here is the state of art report for Cybersecurity survey that was done by KM. Interesting report and awesome job by KMC. The results are not surprising though. With the awareness of cybersecurity increasing in automotive, new standards / regulations coming out in the market - ISO 21434 and WP.29 and we are moving towards the concept of Autonomous driving with complex systems in place, it is right time to think of Security & Safety of EE systems. Cyber security should be thought of across the V-Life cycle starting off from Concept phase - deriving the Security requirements from goals , architecture design , implementation and Validation.

 However the current scenario is we focus more on Encryption of the source code with keys and little validation is done at the end which may not enough. The report also talks about the role currently performing Security and often it is given to QA which is not right.
The Workflow of Cybersecurity across V-Model is clearly depicted in the report which is a plus. With the release of Cybersecurity the extension of Automotive SPICE and its applicability across the V-Model is depicted real clear. With tons of industry regulations coming in, we need to wait and see on how the Industry adopts to evolving concept of Cybersecurity in the Product Development Process

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Link to the report:

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